jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

The impostor

Y alguien me dijo cuando terminó de leer la siguiente historia: "¡¿qué te fumaste antes de escribir esto?!"(SIC)
A mí me re gustó esta historia es más la propuse para filmarla en su momento.

It was a March’s Friday of 2006, in the morning, when I had gone to my work by bus.
Just when I rang a bell, I saw on the bus’s floor a black thing. It was a mobile-phone. I picked it up and I got off the bus. While I was walking to my work, I thought: this objet is not mime.
So, I browsed the phone book and I found “mum”. I called her. But nobody answered me. Then I tried again, but that time I called his girlfriend because the name of contact was: “my sweety Katie”.
When she answered, she said to me: -Hello darling! And I do not why, I answered: -Honey I would like to see you at the café of the other day. At that moment my mind thought one thing and my body acted in the other way.
When I left my work. I felt weird, but I went on with my things.
While I was going to the bus stop, somebody called me: -Charles!
I turned back and a beautiful girl kissed me. And then she told me: -Charlie, What happened? And I said: - may be you are confused with somebody that looks like me? She answered me: -Are you crazy? You are Charles Ramirez, my boyfriend. I looked at myself on the car’s window and she was right. I had another face, other clothes, another body. I couldn’t believe it. How couldn’t I realize? I was frightened. That’s why I ran away. I thought about the mobile-phone. I said: -this is the thing which has been changing my life, suddenly.
I had only two choices: one was leaving the mobile-phone somewhere. The other one was taking the life from Charles Ramirez...
Today I have a lot of work, I travel around the world and I’m getting used to signing reports and autographs as Charles Ramirez.